Steamboat Springs School District Bargaining Meeting, December 12 at 4:15 pm at Steamboat Springs Middle School
The Steamboat Springs School District will hold a Bargaining Meeting on Thursday, December 12, 4:15 pm to 4:45 pm at Steamboat Springs Middle School, 39610 Amethyst Drive. Colorado Sunshine Law requires this to be a public meeting and it is open to the public. Click here to view the agenda for the meeting. The public are invited to attend and listen but are not expected to participate in the discussions.
El distrito escolar de Steamboat Springs llevará a cabo una reunión de negociación el jueves 12 de diciembre de 4:15 pm a 4:45 pm en Steamboat Springs Middle School, 39610 Amethyst Drive. La ley Colorado Sunshine requiere que esta sea una reunión pública y esté abierta al público. Haga clic aquí para ver la agenda de la reunión. Se invita al público a asistir y escuchar, pero no se espera que participe en las discusiones.